Goal: $25,000   Date:  Jan 23rd 2024

Delivering love, help and hope

Welcome to BTC Resources! We’re in the business of cultivating dreams and nourishing potential – we ignite the flames of ambition in the young entrepreneurs of the future, fostering their burning passion for agriculture and business. Also fondly known as Kidpreneurs, these are energetic young minds as young as six years old setting out on their entrepreneurial journey.

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Our Goal Is To Help Our Youth

Our mentors continuously strive to foster an inclusive and interactive learning environment where kids can grow at their own pace. Our approach combines educating our Kidpreneurs about sustainable agricultural practices, understanding land management, crop cultivation techniques, animal care, and most importantly – how to turn these skills into a viable business enterprise.

We immerse our Kidpreneurs in real-life farm scenarios, allow them to take part in the decision-making process, and encourage them to build their own agricultural start-up ideas. This process not only nurtures precious entrepreneurial spirit but also teaches them valuable lessons about perseverance, patience, and the importance of hands-on experience.

What we Do

You can help the kids by donating

We Need Your Help

Here at BTC Resources, we believe it’s never too early to make a profound impact. Our team of dedicated professionals, successful business veterans, and enthusiastic agriculturists commitment is focused on paving the path for our Kidpreneurs, inspiring them to nurture their business ideas and instilling in them the spirit of growth and sustainability.

Our program is all about empowering young ones to roll up their sleeves, dig into the exciting world of farming, and reap the rewards of their hard work – understanding the ethical and financial aspects of running a successful enterprise. Through collaborative efforts, we aim to train the leaders of tomorrow, today.


We Make a Difference in their Life

BTC Resources is here to charge your child’s entrepreneurial journey with immense zeal. We refine their problem-solving skills, ignite their creativity, and instill confidence in them, enabling them to lead in their chosen field. Our long-term vision is to provide an innovative burst to the agricultural sector by creating a future workforce that values sustainable farming and conscious consumption.

Let’s Become a Volunteer and Help us Build a Better World

We invite you to join us on this wonderful journey of turning your kids into empowered Kidpreneurs. At BTC Resources, watch your little ones transform from young dreamers into confident innovators and inspire a generation of leaders ready to make their mark in the world!

Business Training Capital Resource, Inc.

"Building Futures 1 Brick at A Time"